Sunday, January 10, 2016

Chapter 25

Prompt 1
      In this chapter, Jurgis finally gets a stable flow of income coming in. His job isn't exactly- normal. It's not even legal. He's turned to a life of crime to make money and stay alive. Time and time again, Jurgis has tried to make money with normal jobs, but he didn't have any luck with them. I feel like him turning to this dangerous, illegal job was sort of a last resort. He had lost so much already and had tried so many times before, he probably wasn't concerned about the fact that the 'work' he was doing was, in fact, illegal.

      Near the end of the chapter, Jurgis gets an actual job, but it's more of a front that anything, I believe. It's just really sad that he turned to a life of crime to make money and survive.


  1. Unfortunately that's what things had to come to. People still do things like that today. People take on illegal jobs just so they can get by.

  2. I agree with his new "job" being a last resort thing. Even the greatest of us fall.

  3. Yay He got a job. It is only a matter of time until it goes away.

  4. YEah it is sad, but you gotta do what you gotta do...
