Prompt 1
In this chapter, Jurgis finally felt like he was now the master of his fate, but then he gets injured at work, leaving him at home, not working. Him and his family already had a hard enough time making money, so Jurgis being laid up at home certainly didn't help.The family was on their way to getting all of their debts paid, but now they can't pay back the debts, and they're having to budget their money a lot differently. "They did without everything that human beings could go without; they went in old and ragged clothing, tht left them at the mercy of the cold, and when the children's shoes wore out, they tied them up with string." And not to mention they had to live off of $1.65 a day for food.
If I was in Jurgis' position, I would feel completely useless; which, he really was. The only thing he did while he was injured was lay on a bed and play with little Antanas. Being in that position must've been really hard for him, considering how much pride he takes in making money for his family and working. When he first injured his ankle, he went to work, but it eventually got too bad, so he started to stay home.